>= min 320PX >= xs 480PX >= sm 768PX >= md 1024PX >= lg 1280PX >= xl 1440PX >= max 1680PX
Stadtführung, Stadtrundgang, Jena, Rahmenprogramm, Incentive, Begleitprogramm, Konferenz, Tagung, Durchsetzung des Luthertums in Jena,Thüringen
Quelle: JenaKultur, Foto: Jens Hausprung

The spread of Lutheranism in Jena

Historical locations

This guided walking tour takes you to historical sites associated with Lutheranism in Jena, offering a glimpse into the city’s past.

After their split from the Catholic church, Luther, Melanchthon and their collaborators were regarded either as reformers or heretics.