>= min 320PX >= xs 480PX >= sm 768PX >= md 1024PX >= lg 1280PX >= xl 1440PX >= max 1680PX
Stadtführung, Stadtrundgang, Jena, Rahmenprogramm, Incentive, Begleitprogramm, Konferenz, Tagung, Henry van der Velde, Bauhaus, Ernst-Abbe-Denkmal, Thüringen
Quelle: JenaKultur, Foto: Martin Heinrich

Henry van de Velde and the Bauhaus artists in Jena

On the trail of modernism

This guided tour of the city covers everything from Henry van de Velde’s art nouveau to Walter Gropius’s Bauhaus villas, Haus Auerbach and Haus Zuckerkandl. With his monument to Ernst Abbe, created in 1911, Henry van de Velde gave Jena a work of European stature.

The Jena Art Association, which was a public forum for modernism, encouraged the formation of a close relationship between the Bauhaus artists, the university and industrial companies in Jena.