>= min 320PX >= xs 480PX >= sm 768PX >= md 1024PX >= lg 1280PX >= xl 1440PX >= max 1680PX
Stadtführung, Stadtrundgang, Jena, Rahmenprogramm, Incentive, Begleitprogramm, Konferenz, Tagung, Die Sieben Wunder von Jena, Thüringen
Quelle: JenaKultur, Foto: Toma Babovic

The seven wonders of Jena

How well do you really know Jena?

Jena is renowned for its seven wonders, five of which can still be admired today.

Ara, caput, draco, mons, pons, vulpecula turris and weigeliana domus – what do these names mean, and what exactly are these ‘wonders’ which anyone in Jena is meant to know? Our tour guides reveal the secrets and stories behind the city’s special attractions.