>= min 320PX >= xs 480PX >= sm 768PX >= md 1024PX >= lg 1280PX >= xl 1440PX >= max 1680PX
Stadtführung, Stadtrundgang, Jena, Rahmenprogramm, Incentive, Begleitprogramm, Konferenz, Tagung, Von Aderlass bis Zähneziehen, Thüringen
Quelle: JenaKultur, Foto: Jens Hausprung

From bloodletting to pulling teeth

Medical history in Jena

You may not think so at first, but medical history can be an entertaining subject – as long as you stick to the theory, of course. Join us on an engaging walk through the medical developments of our city.

Ever wondered what the Saale river has to do with ‘salbadern’, or Martin Luther with iatrochemistry? Why Jena’s citizens were terrified of ‘Rolfincken’ in the 17th century? Or why 200 years later women were reluctant to enter an ‘Accouchierhaus’? You will find answers to these and other questions on this look back through the history of medicine in Jena.